Are Scented Candles Safe to Use?

Are Scented Candles Safe to Use?

If you want to add a small item to your home that can relax your body and mind and relieve stress, many people will choose scented candles. In recent years, more and more people have begun to use scented candles at home, some to help you sleep, some to relieve stress, and some simply for decoration. When buying scented candles, it is more important to look at three aspects than to choose the smell you like.
Safety Scented Candle
Main Ingredients
The largest amount of scented candles is definitely wax. The wax raw materials used for scented candles are divided into paraffin, soy wax, beeswax, vegetable wax, etc. Paraffin is a by-product of the petroleum refining process. Many people think that petroleum is harmful when they hear about it... In fact, the refining of paraffin will be refined into different purities according to the different uses of paraffin, and used in different aspects of life. my country's standard requirement for the raw materials for scented candles is pure refined food-grade paraffin, which is of higher purity. Generally speaking, as long as you buy scented candles made by regular manufacturers, there will be no big problem.

Wax raw materials such as soy wax, beeswax, and vegetable wax are natural waxes extracted from animals and plants. Compared with paraffin wax, the harm is almost negligible, but the price is relatively high.
... On the contrary, when large-sized scented candles are burned, more wax will be lost, and the concentration of substances produced during combustion will be higher, which will irritate the respiratory tract more obviously and is not good for our health.

3 Types Of People Are Not Suitable For Use
Aromatherapy Candles
1. Patients with respiratory diseases (asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, rhinitis, etc.). The smell of scented candles and the substances produced during combustion may become irritants and allergens, making people with a history of respiratory diseases or allergic diseases more susceptible to irritation, coughing, skin inflammation and other discomforts.

2. People who are prone to allergies. Many aromatherapy products contain substances extracted from flowers, such as roses and jasmine, which can easily cause allergic symptoms in people who are prone to allergies.

3. Infants and pregnant women. Some ingredients in scented candles are composed of Chinese medicines with aromatic smells and have certain medicinal properties. For example, cloves, fennel, and cinnamon have the effects of promoting qi and promoting blood circulation, and lavender and angelica have the effects of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. This type of effect poses a great hidden danger to women in early pregnancy. In addition, it is not recommended for young children to use it. Firstly, there are safety risks in using candles, and secondly, some ingredients in aromatherapy are irritating.
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